Sunday 3 September 2017

Welcome to my blog!

Hey everyone! Welcome to my blog!

My name is Matthew Martin and I am an artist and crafter from the UK! I have also dabbled in taxidermy, sculpture and plushie-making.

Although I have been a professional artist for over 12 years, I am reasonably new to the needlefelting world - I have created only a handful of sculptures, but nothing I feel is good enough to share. I am hoping to increase my skills and share my sculptures here, along with my mistakes, frustrations and of course successes!

I feel that by starting from scratch, I may be in the same position of many of you starting out in felting. Therefore I can share my progress here and hopefully inspire some of you to do the same.

I will also be reviewing various kits, wools and products from the point of view of a beginner. I hope that my blog will help others to get started in the needlefelting world!

It's nice to meet everyone and I hope that you enjoy my blog!